Uptown Funk !! Jacket Love and More

Denim Jacket Love

When it comes to hop skipping between shoots and events, my safe bet is always to opt for the comfiest pair of tees with an added bit of either frills or tassels to oomph it up. And towards the end of the day for a night affair, I simply add another layer of either a funky jacket or a blazer. I own endless pieces of jackets and overalls but recently I ordered a very unique marble washed soft denim blazer from Vesa Online which has become my most sought after jacket. And they surely knew how to put a smile on my face since the courier arrived within two days of me placing an order which is super quick and the fit speaks for itself!

One look at my pictures and you stunners will know what I mean :). I found this marble wash Jacket against a blue and white shaded palette having a character of its own and hence I have literally no make-up on. Just my nude lip-gloss and a hint of eye pencil tracing towards the corner of my eyes to slightly add a darker hue to me hazel coloured eyes. I chose to wear a sleeveless white tee beneath the jacket which is topped with black netted portion at the lower half which gives the entire look a very edgy feel. I always love a little added drama to my outfits and don’t you just love it when your outfits do the talkin?? My white jeggings balance out the netted tee and make sure that the marble washed denim jacket is the highlight of my evening event.

My most loved black big dialed watch, black sling and dark blue flats make me ready to do the little bit of extra jumping around if required 😉
I am so proud of this hairdo which I have created for myself by simply taking a portion of my hair, twisting it into a small twirly lines and then tucking the extra behind my neck with a bobby pin. Sometimes, all you need is a little girly touch to your entire look, don’t you girls…

This hit
That ice cold
Michelle Pfeiffer
That white gold…..& Just like that I listen to Uptown Funk by Bruno Mars as I pen my thoughts down.

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Jacket (9)

Check out my Instagram page for more Exclusive pics

Photography By: $vM

Denim Jacket Outfit Details :

Jacket – Vesa Online |  Jeggings – Vero Moda
Tee – Hill Road pick |  Sandals – Mumbai Boutique
Bag & Watch – Singapore Buy

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7 Responses

  1. Sorry to disturb u but ur code for vue is not working it says invalid code pls post some other code in viber
    Thank u

    1. hey Dhivya, there is a new code – sassyshifonvue (all small). Use this code to get instant access :).

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