My Daddy, My Hero, My Wonder Wall

It is so damn true that a dad will always be a girl’s first real hero no matter what. We grow up for the rest of the world except when it comes to our fathers. With my dad, I can truly be myself. The best part about him I feel is that even while growing up he never let me feel the age-gap. He was and will always be my first friend, a confidante and indeed my wonder wall. I have led a very protective life all because of my dad and at the same time, he let me find my own identity and myself while always guiding me. He let me choose my own path and always supported me in my ever-changing stories of life, be it my work, career or very early on at school.

#NeverLetsYouDown (4)

I remember an incident during my kindergarten days. I was quite handful while growing up (some would agree even now ;-)) and managing a Leo baby wasn’t easy at all for both my parents. The reason being I always was very headstrong and I knew what I wanted from a very young age, even when it came to tiny and small things. The credit goes to my dad for always letting me be the best version of myself. So coming back to an incident that will always stay with me. Glass bangles infatuated me when I was little and more so because I always saw my aunts and mum wear them but when it came to me, I was always given plastic ones. I kept on asking dad to buy me glass bangles but he kept on either changing the topic to he’ll get me even better ones in plastic and at times he also explained to me how I can wear these once I grow up. But the stubborn kid in me was way too infatuated to wear those glass bangles. One day when I threw a hissy fit and got down to straight black mail through water works, my dad decided to teach me something by experiencing it for myself and then deciding whether it is good for me or bad. So, my dad gave me 2-3 glass bangles that same day and he took me at a park. One-two baby steps and I fell, of course he was right there next to me and caught me in time. But the glass bangles broke. Because he had caught me in time and for the same reason he took me to a park so that I won’t get hurt in the grass as much when the bangles break. Those few scratches on my wrist from the glass bangles breaking, taught me a very important lesson in life that day. Firstly I apologized to my dad for being a brat and secondly from that day onwards, I have still done what I believed in, but I learnt an important lesson to listen and understand first. Any other parent in my dad’s place would have shouted or ignored the fact that their kid is being irrational and asking for something that doesn’t make sense.

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But my daddy dearest believed in letting me get to my own bitter-sweet experiences, right when I was little and then let me differentiate the good from the bad. There’s a reason today he is my biggest fan, my critic, my bestie and my confidante all in one. My dad is a wonder wall in true sense and my source of trust and faith and reliability in life. As father’s day comes near this year, I just wanna thank Dad for always being there for me through my highs and lows, happiness and success and for never letting me down ever!!!! These qualities are rare to be found in anyone and everyone and the fact that Lava mobiles understand the importance of what it means to be strong and trustful says a lot. Lava mobiles #NeverLetsYouDown and they can be counted on at all times just as how we depend on the one we trust completely beyond words.

#NeverLetsYouDown (1)

Other than being dad’s mirror image and full of strength and fire in my belly, I trust nothing but the best. This is exactly why Lava phones have won both of us over with its looks and strength!! Check out their entire range right here !!

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One Response

  1. Lovely article my sweetheart ❤Love you so much❤Your article took me in your most mistchivious childhool world?

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