Himalaya Herbals Gentle Exfoliating Walnut Scrub

Picking out the right scrub for your face is the most important step in your daily skincare regime. I trust few brands that have lived upto my expectations and have shown visible difference on my skin when it comes to scrubbing. Gentle exfoliation is a must-do and one needs to pick a scrub that not only suits your skin type but also provides it with all the natural goodness with some of best-handpicked herbal ingredients. This entire summer I have depended on Himalaya Herbals Gentle Exfoliating Walnut Scrub for an all-natural skincare regime. This is a 100% herbal and the gentlest scrub I have ever come across that gets rid of all the impurities within jiffy. Check out their complete range of products right here

Himalaya Herbals Gentle Exfoliating Walnut Scrub (4)

Himalaya Herbals Gentle Exfoliating Walnut Scrub exfoliates dead skin cells and its deep action wash reaches out to for your deep pores cleansing that cannot be handled by any other normal scrub. This is a complete skincare for you within minutes as it tends to your loose dead skin fragments too and helps them tighten it other than providing a deep purifying scrubbing effect on your face. It has been specially infused with keratolytic agent and crab apple that have a soothing effect on your skin other than providing an antiseptic effect too. The walnut shell granules tackle the problems of your dead cells, blackheads and dirt that accumulates on your skin everyday due to your skin being exposed to pollution and dust.

Himalaya Herbals Gentle Exfoliating Walnut Scrub gently cleanses, nourishes and moisturizes your skin with the help of the walnuts shell granules and wheat germ oil that are a rich and an all-natural source of Vitamin E. It will boost your skin and give it just the right care it needs this summer with the temperatures soaring by the day.

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Here’s how you can use Himalaya Herbals Gentle Exfoliating Walnut Scrub to make the most of it :

Use the scrub in circular motion, gently massaging onto your skin and then wipe it off with a wet cotton pad. Then just rinse it off with water and apply ice on it for the extra skin tightening effect. This scrub is beneficial on all skin types and that according to me is one of its best features.

Himalaya Herbals Gentle Exfoliating Walnut Scrub (1)

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