It’s Mother’s Day And It Should Be All About HER!

A woman has a special place in everyone’s hearts she meets! Some remember her for her strength, some for her passion, work of field or her personality. Others may love her unconditionally and some may even understand her silence. Getting to know the real “HER” that stands behind these walls she usually puts up for the world is a true victory. Those of you who have experienced it will know exactly what I mean. It is true that a daughter will remain a daughter all your life no matter what. Even distance cannot come between these bonds. This Mother’s Day, take some time off to thank the one woman who stands by you no matter what.

Mothers Day

Coming from me, it is indeed not as easy as we may make it look to handle both professional front and personal work, but still a woman’s undying spirit will never let anything come in the way of her responsibilities towards her family and loved ones or her work. We may be tired, bogged down, not sure of things, even lost at times, but we always know in our hearts that we are following our dreams for a reason, and hard work always pays off exactly the way love always binds us together. Be it blood relatives or otherwise, we put efforts for those we love.

Therefore, when I came across this beautiful and touching video by Truly Bridal By Kalyan Jewellers that was all about “SHE and Her”, I was intrigued by the title itself. We truly need to pause and appreciate the women in our lives. Here is the video for you people to look at and go hug your mother in law right away –

The super special video talks about the real moms and real daughters and the bond they share. Few of the common points that were highlighted when speaking about each other were attributes like care, love, bond, respect, share, value, dignity, mature, understanding, focused, balanced, trustworthy, etc. The list can go on with the things that bond a mother-in-law and a daughter-in-law share together, and why they are so closely knit. It goes for a daughter-in-law too. We do not need one dedicated day to make our moms feel special, but yes, we should definitely give them a hint of how special they are through a day full of happiness and laughter that celebrate them and their spirit. One can so relate to everything discussed in this video. Those special things we do for our moms and vice-versa, how we cannot stand tears in her eyes, how at times we just cannot hold back the tears of joys and how irreplaceable these things are in our lives.

Mother's Day

Hats off to team from Truly Bridal by Kalyan Jewellers for putting together such a heart warming video that is all about “SHE and Her” this Mother’s Day. However, towards the end what touched me the most was the simple and straightforward truth that a daughter-in-law and a mother-in-law can share the same bond, that of a daughter-mother. A mother-in-law is a person who gives you a new level of support and confidence to achieve your dreams post marriage too. So this Mother’s Day, let us treat all the lovely women in our lives with as much love and affection.

Also, for more such awesome videos, remember to follow, subscribe and like Truly Bridal By Kalyan Jewellers on YouTube.

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