Plan, Prepare And Khud Ko Kar Buland

I hope and wish that everyone is having a great, meaningful and a healthy 2016 so far, filled with the best of what life has to offer. But in today’s day and age, what is life if not uncertain right? I know that we wish, strive and always hope for the best for ourselves and our loved ones, but when adversities decide to prop up, there is no time for a heads up. Recently there have been a number of times that I have seen grim situations so closely, with family and friends that it breaks my heart every single time to even think or question myself that why would bad things happen to good people or why to our friends and loved ones? Well, it is not upto us to control the good or bad, but the least we can do is prepare for it with proper guidance and planning.

Last month we got the news, that a very good friend who was settled abroad was rushed to the hospital with a sudden scare of a heart attack, that too at such a young age. The saddest part was that due to all of this unexpected mess and the unbelievably costly medical expenses, the wife had to take up a job. Since, she wasn’t working for few years, she had to start from basic, their toddler had no place to be and in an unknown land, they were actually left stranded. I have been a part of the struggle so I know the pains.

Another friend had to leave his job from a well paid hospitality business and suddenly he had to come down to India as his dad was the primary bread earner and due to a sudden health scare he was advised to bed rest and to be home at all times. How I wish if they had planned for this uncertain future, then he would be able to carry on with his dreams and aspirations too. But that is the saddest part of health scares. They donot give us any time to plan. And this is what happened in my friend’s case too.

I have seen a family member plan for a kid for years and years to only realize few years later about a terminal disease for which none of the family members were ready for both mentally and emotionally. The pain of not being able to get pregnant when you are ready for a baby and then being diagnosed with a dreadful disease takes a toll on your will power and your mental health the most. No matter how many of your loved ones are there to support you, what gets you through is only preparing for this from the start.

I came across Birla Sun Life Insurance that stands in unison with my personal beliefs that no one should have to live in a constant fear. Yes life is unpredictable but that doesn’t mean one starts being scared all the time. The human spirit and the will to fight back and keep moving forward comes from great planning, trusting the right means and investing wisely on things you can fall back on. Have a look at this heart warming ad by Birla Sun Life Insurance that makes you pause for a second and think for a while about choosing wisely, holding your head high up and looking at fear straight in the eye.

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