For an evening affair which can be a crazy night out with friends or a quiet romantic dinner with your significant other, pull out that electric blue outfit from your wardrobe & mix it up with your favorite bold accessory. This is my second post on the hot colour of 2015 – BLUE !!!
There was a time where dressing up for different occasions seemed like such a task… & we all at times get lost like a pup or just sheer confused with where to stop ;-P But, what the heck, they say you look the best when you do it yourself. Despite my mom being into fashion & styling, I had my own preferences, likes & dislikes. I remember having long fashion discussions with her which I still do, I consider her to be my mentor and my biggest critic.
This creative & lasting love for fashion & styling has been passed onto me by her. Despite being in the movie marketing business, I have decided to allocate & dedicate a said amount of my time for 2 reasons – Making myself happy & bringing the same joy to my readers by helping them every step of the way with FASHION & STYLE.
FYI – coming from a family of Doctors, engineers, lawyers, me & my mamma dearest were the two mad creatures following their hearts onto a complete alien territory for the rest of the family…. But, here’s to being a little crazy & chasing your own dreams !!!
Whatever the occasion, here you can read up about all the right things to throw all the different looks together..
This was for me a quaint dinner special where I combined the blue dress with nude heels & a tribal contrast purple necklace. The silver studded ring brings out the slight sparkle for the evening which can be opted out by you girls depending on your mood.
Here’s me dazzling in an electric blue dress.. Would love to hear from you on this, mwaah…