A Woman, A Teacher, A Nun – Made Of Great

It doesn’t even make me blink my eyes and I don’t need to think twice before answering the question of who is that one person that has impacted my life and is truly made of GREAT. Undoubtedly it has to be my first teacher, a nun, a woman of substance and a fighter – Sr. Margaret. The story of how I met her, in itself is a story I cherish and hold close to my heart. She actually was my younger brother’s teacher and he used to visit her classes when he was in kindergarten. I was in the 2nd grade and of all the few vivid memories from that time, the time spent with her are the clearest and more fresh than ever. She taught me as well for few initial years of my learnings and figuring what school, students, teachers, family, parents, etc. really means was actually through her.

I have clear memories of a strong word from her mouth – Respect!! Imagine a tiny 2nd grade me, learnt the importance of respecting one and all from her. Respect the elder, the younger, the animals, the older ones, the weaker ones and even the ones who probably don’t understand you or get you at times. The best part about this “Godlike” teacher of mine was that she never gave the false pretense of treats if you listen to her or get beating if you don’t which was one of the earlier important and principled lessons I learnt in my life. It was her who taught me to do and lead by example right from an impressionable age. I have also seen around me, few neighbors and few other kids from my school or sports being sweet talked into listening to their parents either by luring them with candies or some goodies. With Sr. Margaret it was refreshingly different and as pure as possible which simply states – Do your best and never give up, first for yourself and then for your parents.

It was through her eyes at a very young age, I started to see the hard work and sacrifices my parents have done or are doing to keep my siblings and me happy. Having just a gap of 3 years with my younger brother, I feel I had an earlier sense of maturity and understanding, which was inculcated in me right from the beginning by her. I remember one incident where me and my cousins bumped into Sr. Margaret and other sisters from our Alma Mater, outside our school as they were on their way to the church and we were on our way to a park with my aunt. The minute I spotted them, I made my aunt stop and help me cross just to wish them ‘Good Evening’ and I thanked her for the poem which she taught me as I bragged about it at home and got applauds and loads of it. I can never forget the little but important things she did for me and my brother for so many years and until recently, she continued to teach and enlighten the lives of many parents and some very very fortunate kids. So going back to the wishing bit, I realized one thing there, none of the other cousins, except 1-2 wished the sisters. Not even the elder ones. I remember, on our way back I asked my aunt why didn’t they wish the sisters and she replied back saying – “Not everyone is as disciplined as you are and you led by example”. I didn’t know back then the importance of that statement, how much I am grateful and thankful to the way I was raised and I don’t think I can ever repay each and every person who was involved in this process. Starting with my parents, my grandparents, my teachers and especially Sr. Margaret.

When I speak of Sr. Margaret as my first teacher, my first guru, I also know for a fact that she is an epitome of all these qualities – strength, simplicity, values, discipline, grounded, firm, respect, empathy, forgiveness and above all INNER BEAUTY!!! I wouldn’t possibly be the same person at all if it had been for an excellent start at such a young age. Learning the principled, compassionate and a truthful way of living at that age is exceptionally packaged with its own perks!!

Make sure to slow down in this extra fast paced life, pause, breathe, live it up and appreciate the real goodness in the little things around you or in the people who have actually made a difference in your LIFE and who are actually #MadeOfGreat!!! Also, speaking of Made Of Great, you guys need to get a glimpse of this video by Tata Motors – http://madeofgreat.tatamotors.com/ I’ll let the video do the talking!!

So Guys what do you think of the Video. Leave a comment and you might win a gift voucher of Rs. 750 from Amazon.in.

Sending out some positive vibes to the universe! 🙂


8 Responses

  1. This is a brilliant and unique post, all the best 🙂

    When it comes to impact and impacting millions of lives, Yes, we can see both Tata Motors and Lionel Messi being the pioneers here. While the very name Tata is enough to make us go back to all our history books where we have seen there hardly is a comparable name that has contributed so much to the society in such an ethical manner, the very name Messi conjures up images of a boy-man who has turned the world upside down with his talent, determination, discipline and never-give-up spirit. The compatibility between the values they both share is intense and that is the reason this partnership works perfectly.

    With a concern for the society at large,everything that Tata has done has inspired us to dream big, conquer the world and pour all our energy back into the society to do good and inspire good. By facing his demons, Messi has done the same. He enjoys a God-like status in the world today because he dared to dream, achieved the sky and still hasn’t lost his humanity a bit. He is still a child at heart and he gives back with his multiple philanthropic activities just like Tata does!

    Talk to any person in India, ask them about the companies they admire the most. Tata is right there at the top. This name is beyond bottomline, spreadsheets, return on investment and share price. It is equivalent to soul of India-soft, kind, diverse, dynamic, eternal. Just like that Messi has emerged as not just another football player but someone whose very life is an inspiration, whose personal struggles are a template for others to emulate and who has morphed into an eternal legend.

    While it would take eons to write about what makes Tata Motors and Messi great, as their list of achievements is too long for us to even skim over, suffice to say that this partnership is for the ages. As they say, some things are made in heaven 🙂

    Thank you for this opportunity.
    -Richa Shailendra, lovelyricha1@gmail.com

  2. Yours is a very well written post your .Its is a very nice description of #madeofgreat
    TATA Motors is a brand associated with performance, endurance and excellence. These words are also synonymous with Lionel Messi who plays as a forward and weaves his magic on the football field.Just as Lionel Messi is considered the best footballer in the world ,TATA motors which is Indias premier automotive manufacturer gives wheels to the people of India with its wide range of vehicles. Both believe in excelling in whatever they do and set examples for others to follow. They compliment each other as both are reliable trustworthy and leaders thus Lionel Messi is the natural choice as the brand ambassador of TATA Motors

  3. Your post defines #madeofgreat in an awesome manner.Very well written and interesting post indeed.
    My Answer
    Tata Motors is a brand that makes durable vehicles, with its MADE IN INDIA mark makes every Indian proud. It is a brand seen globally as Trusted, Reliable, Innovative and at the forefront of technology. In its journey since inception it has overcome all odds, competition, and adversities with grit and determination. These same qualities are associated with Lionel Messi who was very talented and hardworking from a very early age. With each game that he played he kept improving his skills and built a career to become one of the best player of professional football. There qualities make both TATA Motors and Lionel Messi giants who perfectly compliment each other and Lionel Messi the right and perfect Ambassador who stands for the same values that TATA Motors does.

  4. Hi Shifa that is surely a beautiful article
    Indeed a nicely written post. I wish you good luck for the contest
    Here is my answer
    The association of Tata Motors with Lionel Messi is that of two greats. Lionel Messi has been exceptionally talented who with his hard work, determination and sacrifices has got better and tougher in his chosen sport so is the Image, reputation and quality of TATA Motors that have transformed brilliant ideas into masterpieces of engineering and created a brand and products that we are so proud of as Indians. Lionel Messi has transformed his body and the mind body co-ordination into a masterpiece of precision and excellence it would not be wrong to say that Lionel Messi is the TATA Motors of sports where as TATA Motors is the Lionel Messi of vehicles both giants in their own spheres driven by the drive to excel and lead by example. So Lionel Messi is the best choice for becoming the brand Ambassador for TATA Motors

  5. Tata Motors’ association with Lionel Messi spells a significantly notable alliance that will steer the company towards favourable benefits. I always acknowledge Tata Motors as a distinctive name in Auto industry, which will not let the success ‘larger-than life’ elude from its fate now with a timeless guild with iconic figure Messi. I don’t see this union of Tata Motors as an aspirational effort for garnering some quick publicity and evoke specific reaction from myriad crowd with Celeb branding, but is rightly an embellished handshake for keeping up the pace to get to the pinnacle of success graph. To sum things up, I am joyous to see the brand and the star uniting for ‘One in a Million’ #madeofgreat power-packed drive ahead 🙂

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