The Nature’s Co Skin care Regime

Skin care and Hair care are so important, even more important than what you are going to decide to wear. That’s simply because, your make-up or the look your going for, all depends on how you have maintained your skin and hair. You don’t wanna be using too much of these primers or concealers which eventually cause pore clogging, skin break-outs and pimples on your face. For the longest time I have been a big fan of natural products which make your skin even more supple and do not leave behind any harsh effects on your skin. Same goes for taking care of your hair, you need to use the right products and dedicate a little time of your week towards this. Read below to know all about my hair and skin care routine.

I had used The Nature’s Co skin care range for quite sometime now, only recently I decided to blog about it. They firmly believe that the secret to good health and beauty lies in pure nature. And this is where their belief of creating The Nature’s Co. to explore the five purest forms of nature, which are the elements of air, sun, forest, earth and water came into being. This exploration has led to the creation of five distinct ranges Atmospure, Starrize, Foressence, Earthborne and Aquaspark. Each range embodies the goodness and appeal of the element that inspired it.

One look at the pouches and you will know what I mean 😀

The big and chic looking pouch consists of the following Hair & Skin Care Products:

Skin Care 1

  • Jasmine Body Wash – This is one body wash with soothing and calming properties. I like the faint fragrance it leaves behind and oh so natural essence.
  • White Lily Body Scrub – We all use our fancy body washes but how many of us actually remember to use a body scrub too? I have discovered this lately, the importance of using a body scrub at least twice a week I your bath ritual.
  • Rosemary Sage Thyme Hair Oil –This rich oil blend has helped keeping my dandruff in check and also the oil blends of apricot, lavender and rosemary are well known to relieve stress and helps nerve stimulation of the scalp.Skin Care 2
  • Bearberry Liquorice Whitening Cream – How many of you gals too have those dreadful pimple marks or those pigmentation problems. Well, one tiny swoosh of this cream with grape seed oil extracts will not only lighten those marks but at the same time also keep your skin moisturized. The lily extracts are an excellent exfoliation way to keep those dead cells at bay.
  • Peppermint Foot Soak – How can it be when your talking about skincare regime and you leave out your soldiers – your feet who actually take up most of the pressure of a hard day’s work. This is the best thing that The Nature’s Co would ever come up with!! 15 minutes feet soak in a hot tub & the soothing minerals will take care of your tired feet and would even put your pain or aches at ease.

Skin Care 3

  • Watercress Hair Cleanser – Use this twice a week to see the difference for yourself. Watercress treats any hair fall problems too and restores the natural shine on your hair.
  • Watercress hair conditioner – This is my most favourite product out of the lot. As I might forget to oil my hair but I will never ever skip on hair conditioning with the right product. This watercress conditioner nourishes your hair with softness you can feel for yourself, within the first 3-4 usages.

So here it is Ladies, my skincare and hair care routine Part 1 from The Nature’s Co. Can’t wait to bring to you part 2 of this goodness. Till then, enjoy the nurturing and the relaxing!!!

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