Jurassic World is the 4th Instalment in the Jurassic Park Franchise. The film takes place on the Island of Isla Nublar (Island in the First Film) 22 years after the first film. Corporation owned by none other than rebuilt the park and it is just as you imagined it would be while watching the first film. It is an overdose of nostalgia throughout the film as you are taken back in time through the different scenes of the film. From the theme music to the location of the old park abandoned on the northern part of the island.
The New Park is doing great and have a good selection of Dinosaurs with multiple rides, petting zoo and whole bunch of other stuff. One would think with all these attractions the park would be rolling in money. Turns out they aren’t making enough money and need a new attraction that is bigger, scarier and cooler than the other Dinosaurs. Thus they genetically create a completely new Dinosaur Indominus Rex who is basically a Bigger T-Rex with long arms. Yeah they just gave a T-Rex fully functional arms :/.
Well you can imagine they haven’t learned anything from the first three movies. They finally got it right this time and actually got a proper dino theme park going and they just had to go and mess it up by making a freak of nature. This is the first good sequel to the original film. It has the same charm as the first film even if there are a lot of plot holes and a pretty standard plot to begin with. Two brothers Zach and Gray Mitchell (Nick Robinson and Ty Simpkins) are sent to the theme park alone by their parents, where the boys are to be accompanied by their aunt Claire (Bryce Dallas Howard of “The Help”) who is one of the park’s top administrators. Claire is too busy to watch the boys so she turns them over to an assistant. The boys quickly ditch the assistant and are off on their own, playing with dinosaurs. What could possibly go wrong?
Dinosaurs escape, the boys get lost, and lots of other people, make some very bad choices and pretty soon people are running and screaming, and, you know, chomp chomp. The plot of the film is pretty straight forward and characters in the film are very two-dimensional. I’m not saying they are bad it is just that they are very stereotypical in nature. One brother is excited about the park and is a dino geek while the other is least interested in dinosaurs and more in the ladies. Claire is a complete corporate workaholic and in the middle of the movie transforms into this badass chick trying to find & rescue her nephews. Owen (Chris Pratt) the Raptor trainer is badass throughout the film (Well is a velociraptor trainer) and has pretty much one expression on his face throughout the film. He even jokes about that on Conan O’ Brien. Chris is a funny guy and his character reflects that in a lot of the scenes and his comedic timing is really good. We also have our very own Irrfan Khan playing the role of Simon Masrani as the owner of the theme park. I really liked his character, reminded me a lot of Jeff Goldblum’s character “Ian Malcom” from the first Jurassic Park Film. Overall the Actors have done a good job in the film and they were only limited by their character designs.
The main reason you should go watch this film is the beautifully done CGI. The Dinosaurs and the landscapes are very well designed and look very realistic. While being grand in scale it never feels too over the top. The new Indominus Rex is a real work of art. Intelligent, strong and a pure killing machine. The entire film post the first 20 minutes is a race for survival as they are all trapped on the Island with this new Monster.
Should you watch this film ? Well if want to see an action packed well designed Monster film with dinosaurs… then YES you should definitely watch it. It has already broken box office records internationally and while the plot or characters are pretty shallow, the spectacular cgi and action well make up for the plot.
I would have given it just 3 stars but the sheer nostalgia of being on the Jurassic Park Island made me add one additional Star.
I give it